I’m A loner
Smiling alone...
Walking down the street
Without any companion
Without no one else
Then, I’m truly a loner!
Laughing alone...
Play around by myself
Again and again
Over and over
Then, i’m truly a loner!
Talking alone...
Jotted everything unnoticeable by other
Doing everything undetectable by everyone
Like being in a cloak of invisibility
No one realize I was there
Then, I’m truly a loner!
Am I right to be rebellious?
Am I right to be a little demanding?
If that so, am I a loner?
I hope that one day,
there’ll be a space
There’ll be a room
There’ll be a chance
For me to appear before them
Those who neglected me
So that they will know that I was there
Between them
How I wish not to be a loner...
But then. I still...and still I’m a loner
“I’m a loner” by Variasi Pena
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