Tuesday, September 20, 2011

<<<<:: My Friends Part 2 :::::>>>>

Afzan Archery's Squad consist of Yana (BM),Yana, Kuey (My rumet), Kaq Tehah, Ummu and Raihan...Salah satu permainan sunnah Nabi S.A.W

Woodball..for me a new sports.. juz like golf but a slight different with the ball and the wood...quite tired but remain interesting...

Our Instructor, the one in blue-orange t-shirt, En. Fazli.. the rest is juz the picture of a game that we hold in a nearer primary school..

Whoa...make me feel very proud of them...though things need more hard work,hehhe...
( smpai lebam2 lengan kot....bruise on their arm)

Nothing much to say....

The harmony moment in class and somewhere else...
during lessons...

My precious friends....the smile on their face make me happy..


  1. waaah..angah!!

    such a very nice tribute!
    i like!! hehe

    Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yang maksudnya: “Tiga perkara yang boleh mengeratkan persahabatan dengan saudaramu iaitu memberi salam apabila bertemu dengannya dan menyediakan tempat duduknya dalam sesuatu majlis serta panggilah ia dengan nama yang paling disenanginya.”

    Riwayat Al-Tabrani

  2. Tq,Ida....
    just trying to refresh all the memories lies between us...

    hahaha..spekin' plop...
    pe pom, tq ida...
    selagi no tepon xtukar, selagi blik xberjauhan, Insya-Allah...ukhwah akan tetap kukuh..tp kalau berjauhan sekali pun, ukhwah tu tetap ada..(^___^)


Sepatah sudah mencukupi,
InsyaAllah teguran bermakna


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